ATOS Jiujitsu Superkids
Why is Jiu-jitsu the best sport/martial art for kids?
Jiu-jitsu Kids are Bulletproof
Increase your child's confidence to resist peer pressure and negative influences
Improved Focus
Mental stimulation that can leads to better grades and school behavior, plus a positive outlet for youthful energy
Jiu-jitsu Identity
Give them leadership skills and a strong positive identity to make them stand out
Goal Driven Orientation
To reach big goals with consistency, taking one small step at a time towards constant improvement
Problem Solving Skills
Jiu-jitsu teaches kids to work both smarter and harder to get through challenges
Have Fun
Learn the value of sportsmanship, adopting a winner's mentality while having fun at the same time
Superkids Program
The top Kids Competitive Program in the Philippines
Expert Coaching
SEAGames Gold medalist and World Champion coaches who specialize and advocate teaching Brazilian Jiu-jitsu to develop youths
Kid Friendly
Positive, family-oriented training atmosphere and coaching staff + clean well-maintained training facilities and equipment
World Class Training
Progressive, challenging lessons to make sure every child is moving forward and continually improving each session
Close Supervision
With 3-5 coaches per class (2-3 Jiu-jitsu black belts) each child gets focused attention, and a high coach-to-student rate